• 01/11/2022
  •  https://dg.samrl.org/l?e4602 
    Report on privacy and digital data protection in Yemen
    Digital Rights |The Digital Rights Project, organized by SAM, issued a report on the reality of privacy in Yemen, considering that the lack of a digital data protection law is one of the reasons for the spread of e-mail, which necessitates the enactment of such a law as a first step towards organizing digital projects, towards what is happening in it. Digital rights violations, including the right to privacy. The report mentioned (the reality of privacy and data protection in Yemen... the reality and the hope). To yemen that charges ships that charge espionage. Palestine ... The information appears on the email, then email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email (Privacy and Data Protection) argued that the high-volume projects you encounter every day online are graphically connected to a digital model. The image appears in a previous chart, and its letter in this printing policy, its services, automatic fees for collecting information about programs and services, and this privacy policy also prefers to close the screen, use, such as the right to object, and the right to erasure. Construction: .. He mentioned a model of a model that poses threats to Internet privacy in Yemen in its entirety, and is transmitted to the Internet in Yemen, espionage, through piracy of websites, dances of social media platforms, to software attacks, and spread on citizens' data via the Internet. With the atmosphere of return, she moved to the gardens of privacy, and she returned from public announcements, emitting a smile, and emitting privacy. A national strategy for cybersecurity, which resulted in the first national conference on cybersecurity, held in Sana'a during the period (7-9 June) 2021, including from its conference expected to be well, Aden, and other relevant parties. Recommendations in the edition are laid down He urged the data of Yemeni telecom companies to be guided by the General Data Regulations related to the General Data Regulations relating to the European Union (dated April 2016) regarding personal data, data on data processing and their personal data, the General Data Regulation. For specific, legitimate and one purposes, while the processing of personal data must be lawful, fair and transparent, it must be subject to its protection by appropriate security measures. Back to the creation of a body that means, in the future, that they are working to protect their digital rights and Nohurt It is noteworthy that the photo report (privacy and data protection in Yemen) is the sixth within the digital photo project, which is presented digitally for digital photos to display digital policy issues for Yemenis, leading to a free and safe digital space.

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